Out of Reach (2004)
23.976 FPS
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Adăugat: 18-Iul-2004, 00:00
Actualizat: 18-Iul-2004, 00:00
Mai multe informații
Vietnam veteran Billy Ray Lancing, a former CSA agent who now works on a wildlife refuge in Northern Alaska, has been exchanging letters in a pen-pal relationship with Irina Morawska, a 13-year-old orphaned girl in Poland that he's helping out financially. When the letters suddenly stop coming, Billy heads to Poland to figure out why -- only to discover that the orphanage that Irina was staying in, which is financed by honest -- and unsuspecting -- good-intentioned Samaritans, is a cover for a human trafficking network.
Billy Ray Lancing, un fost agent sub acoperire, descopera ca programul pe care el il foloseste pentru a ajuta o tanara este de fapt un network prin care se face trafic uman. Lancing sfideaza limitele posibilului pentru a o gasi pe fata si a pune capat acestui trafic.