On a Clear Day (2005)
On a Clear Day
25.000 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 12-Feb-2007, 12:43
Actualizat: 19-Apr-2007, 12:32
On.A.Clear.Day.2005.LiMiTED.DVDRip.XviD-LiNE. Subtitrarea rearanjata, fara diacritice, corecturi, ce fac filmul vizionabil.
Mai multe informații
After decades of laboring as a Glasgow shipbuilder, Frank Redmond, a no-nonsense 55-year-old working-class man, suddenly finds himself laid off. For the first time in his life, he is without a job or a sense of direction, and he's too proud to ask for guidance. His best mates - rascally Danny, timid Norman and cynical Eddie - are there for him, but Frank still feels desperately alone. An offhand remark from Danny inspires Frank to challenge himself. Already contemplating the state of his relationships with loving wife Joan and all-but-estranged son Rob, Frank is determined to shore up his own self-confidence. He will attempt the near impossible - swimming the English Channel.
Frank hotaraste sa-si recapete stima fata de sine si sa-si invinga demonii prin abordarea celui mai dificil test de anduranta – traversarea inot a Canalului Manecii. On a Clear Day este un melanj clasic intre comedie si drama, o poveste inspirata despre triumf asupra problemelor, care va va atinge coarda sensibila si va va determina sa sperati mai mult.