Mysterious Island (2005)
Insula misterioasa
29.970 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 9-Feb-2006, 00:00
Actualizat: 9-Feb-2006, 00:00
Mai multe informații
Five prisoners of war escape captivity in a Confederate prison camp only to land in an uncharted Pacific island where time stands still and dastardly pirates don't take kindly to strangers in director Russell Mulcahy's screen adaptation of fantasy author Jules Verne's literary classic. They thought they were on their way to freedom when they leapt into a balloon and took to the skies, but upon landing on an island where nothing is as it seems, these escapees are about to embark on the adventure of a lifetime. From bloodthirsty beasts to murderous pirates and a mad genius named Captain Nemo (Patrick Stewart), treachery lurks behind every corner on this island, and if these five survivors have any hope of staying alive, they'll have to fight to their dying breaths to escape the island and get back to the modern world.
Cinci barbati evadeaza dintr-o inchisoare confederata la bordul unui balon, pentru a ateriza apoi pe o insula necunoscuta din Pacific. Pe insula, cei cinci intalnesc monstri carnivori, pirati sangerosi si un geniu nebun, capitanul Nemo.