My Name Is Nobody (Il Mio nome e Nessuno) (1973)
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25.000 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 5-Iul-2021, 13:05
Actualizat: 5-Iul-2021, 21:00
My Name Is Nobody (1973), pentru BluRay & DVD. Enjoy! Coloana sonora in lb. engleza.
Mai multe informații
Jack Beauregard, an ageing gunman of the Old West, only wants to retire in peace and move to Europe. But a young gunfighter, known as "Nobody", who idolizes Beauregard, wants him to go out in a blaze of glory. So he arranges for Jack to face the 150-man gang known as The Wild Bunch and earn his place in history.
A young, easygoing gunman (Hill) worships and competes with an old gunfighter (Fonda) who only wants to retire.