Monsters of Man (2020)
Revolta roboților
24.000 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 10-Nov-2024, 01:39
Actualizat: 10-Nov-2024, 01:39
Monsters of Man (2020) pentru WEB-DL & BluRay. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
A robotics company vying to win a lucrative military contract team up with a corrupt CIA agent to conduct an illegal live field test. They deploy four weaponized prototype robots into a suspected drug manufacturing camp in the Golden Triangle, assuming they'd be killing drug runners that no one would miss. Six doctors on a humanitarian mission witness the brutal slaughter and become prime targets.
Un producător american de arme testează patru roboți ucigași pe producătorii de heroină din Triunghiul de Aur din Asia de Sud-Est, dar experimentul ia o turnură periculoasă.