Massacre in the Black Forest (Il massacro della fo (1967)
Hermann der Cherusker - Die Schlacht im Teutoburger Wald
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 13-Ian-2015, 18:53
Actualizat: 13-Ian-2015, 19:21
Il Massacro della foresta Aranjat textul si adaugate diacritice. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
In the first half of the first century A.D., the Teutonic tribes, led by Arminius The Terrible, rebel against the cruel and conquering Roman Empire. In raging torments and blood curdling battles, the barbarian tribes and Roman Legions fight a war of attrition, so brutal and terrible that Arminius becomes a legend throughout the empire. Only Augustus, Emperor of Rome is evil and treacherous enough to enslave the Teuton barbarian and halt his murderous uprisings.
In prima jumatate a secolului I d.Hr., triburile teutonice conduse de Arminius cel Groaznic se rascoala impotriva Imperiului Roman. In batalii violente si sangeroase, triburile barbare si legiunile romane duc un razboi atat de brutal si teribil incat Arminius devine o legenda in tot imperiul. Numai Augustus, imparatul Romei, este suficient de abil si diabolic incat sa-l inrobeasca pe barbarul teuton si sa opreasca rascoalele sale nimicitoare.