Mani di velluto (1979)
Mani di velluto
25.000 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 28-Dec-2007, 18:42
Actualizat: 28-Dec-2007, 18:42
Mai multe informații
Engineer Quiller has become rich by selling his completely indestructible shop-window glass to jeweleries around the world. But this got him lots of enemies too: the insurance agencies, who've lost hundreds of customers, and the burglarers. When he temporarily looses his memory and voice in an accident, of all people, a family of thieves finds and cares for him - believing he's a pocket-picker. Things get complicated when he falls in love with his host Tilli.
Inginerul Guido Quiller a inventat un tip de sticla ce nu se poate sparge, ceea ce il face perfect de folosit impotriva jafurilor din banci sau din bijuterii. Dar Guido si-a atras in acest fel si multi dusmani: agentiile de asigurari si hotii. Intr-o zi, plonjeaza cu masina intr-un bazin, ajungand astfel sa-si piarda temporar vocea si sa fie luat in ingrijire de catre Tilli, o femeie frumoasa, de profesie... hoata. Insa Tilli nu cunoaste adevarata identitate a lu…