Magma: Volcanic Disaster (2006)
Sub lava de foc
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 3-Ian-2007, 21:19
Actualizat: 7-Ian-2007, 23:03
Traducere dupa subpack-ul original realizata de catre Team. Contribuitorii din echipa: AMC, LOVENDAL, nightmare1. TVQS, diacritice si italice 100%. Enjoy!!
Mai multe informații
When a volcano expert becomes convinced that a cataclysmic natural disaster is about to unfold, a volcanologist Professor John Shepherd and his graduate students believes that recent unexplainable volcanic activity as all of the volcanoes in the world are going to erupt and kill every living thing on the planet! They try to convince the government that their theory is true not a joke while also trying to figure out how to stop it before time runs out!
Dupa ce luni la rand a urmarit activitatea vulcanica a Pamantului, profesorul John Shepherd ajunge la o concluzie cutremuratoare: o eruptie masiva, extinsa la nivelul intregii planete, ar putea afecta securitatea oamenilor de pe mai multe continente. Constituind o echipa formata din mai multi specialisti, profesorul Shepherd incearca sa adune probe pentru a convinge guvernantii de iminenta catastrofei. Din nefericire, scenariul apocaliptic prezentat de Shepherd nu este crezut de nimeni, iar aces…