Mad Max (1979)
Mad Max
25.000 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 15-Oct-2017, 13:10
Actualizat: 25-Nov-2020, 16:41
Mad Max (1979), pentru BluRay & DVD. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
In the ravaged near future, a savage motorcycle gang rules the road. Terrorizing innocent civilians while tearing up the streets, the ruthless gang laughs in the face ofa police force hell-bent on stopping them. But they underestimate one officer: Max Rockatansky. And when the bikers brutalize Max's best friend and family, they send him into a mad frenzy that leaves him with only one thing left in the world to live for – revenge!
Intr-un viitor post-apocaliptic, intr-un peisaj dezolant, in care putinii supravietuitori sunt terorizati de bande motorizate, Max - un politist blazat de munca pe care o face si scarbit de ororile intalnite la tot pasul - vrea sa se retraga si sa traiasca linistit cu sotia si fiul. Cand, insa, acestia sunt ucisi de banda lui Toecutter, ca represalii, Max simte ca trebuie sa-si razbune nu numai familia, ci pe toate victimele, si se transforma intr-un justitiar al…
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