London Spy - Sezonul 1 (2015)
London Spy
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 28-Ian-2017, 20:34
Actualizat: 1-Mar-2018, 15:25
Sezonul 1 complet, 5 episoade, pentru HDTV si 720p. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
Danny is a gregarious, hedonistic romantic who gets drawn into the dangerous world of British espionage in this contemporary, emotional thriller. He falls for the anti-social but enigmatic Alex, both from opposite worlds, and they soon realise they’re perfect for each other. But when Alex suddenly disappears, Danny is utterly ill-equipped to take on his complex and codified world. Young, innocent and adrift he needs to decide whether he’s prepared to fight for the truth?
Ben Whishaw este protagonistul miniseriei britanice de cinci episoade. Cand enigmaticul sau iubit Alex (Edward Holcroft) este ucis, Danny (Whishaw) afla ca acesta lucra pentru Serviciile secrete britanice. Oricat de nepregatit ar fi pentru infruntarea lumii spionilor, Danny este hotarat ca trebuie sa afle adevarul despre Alex si sfarsitul sau.
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