Liberty Stands Still (2002)
Liberty ramane nemiscata
25.000 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 1-Apr-2021, 16:31
Actualizat: 1-Apr-2021, 17:01
Liberty Stands Still (2002), pentru WEB-DL & DVD. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
As the heir and current marketing director for one of the nation's biggest gun manufacturers, Liberty Wallace is indifferent to the atrocities made possible through her business and her CEO husband, Victor. On her way to see her actor lover, Liberty ends up chained to a food cart full of explosives -- all at the insistence of "Joe", a sniper whose young daughter was a victim of gun violence, and who now has Liberty in his sights.
Mostenitoarea frumoasa a unei fabrici de arme (Fiorentino) este atrasa intr-un planucigas razbunator care o face sa se indoiasca de tot ceea ce credea.