Les innocents aux mains sales (Dirty Hands) (1975)
Inocenti cu maini murdare
25.000 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 21-Ian-2012, 18:03
Actualizat: 13-Feb-2016, 05:10
Les innocents aux mains sales (1075) 1CD=1.5 GB; Innocents with Dirty Hands [Claude Chabrol] [1975] ; Enjoy! Premiera ro! Inocenti cu Maini Murdare.
Mai multe informații
Saint Tropez. Julie Wormser and her lover, writer and neighbour Jeff Marle, plan the murder of her wealthy husband Louis, an alcoholic impotent. She hits him, and leaves the rest of the task to Jeff. Julie finds herself alone the following day, and becomes therefore the prime suspect. Where is Louis' body? Where is Jeff? Is there any secret beyond a door?
Saint Tropez, 1975. Julie Wormster si amantul ei, scriitorul si vecinul Jeff Marle, pun la cale uciderea bogatului ei sot, Louis, care e betiv si impotent. Dar lucrurile scapa de sub control si Julie se trezeste din vanator, victima.