Le hasard fait bien les choses (2002)
Le hasard fait bien les choses
23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 30-Ian-2012, 19:18
Actualizat: 30-Ian-2012, 19:18
Le Hasard Fait Bien Les Choses (2002) / As Luck Would Have It; ro + eng
Mai multe informații
Jean-Pierre is a literature professor in Switzerland. Due to the vagarities of Swiss law, he is selected, basically at random, to be the guardian of a parentless teenage boy named Antoine. Conflict comes into the story as Jean-Pierre, who has just accepted a major promotion, must now deal with caring for a teenage boy he doesn't want to care for, as well as handling his own jealous boyfriend. Then his wife steps into the picture. Things get complicated from there as Jean-Pierre tries to get out of his guardianship.
Jean-Pierre Muller, un profesor universitar, afla intr-o zi ca e numit din oficiu tutore al unui adolescent de 16 ani, Antoine. Temandu-se ca noua responsabilitate ii va pune in pericol viata linistita pe care o duce alaturi de iubitul sau, Armando, Jean-Pierre incearca sa refuze numirea. Insa pe masura ce petrece mai mult timp cu Antoine, profesorul descopera si satisfactiile sufletesti pe care i le aduce tutela.