Subtitrare Lauf, Junge, lauf

Acțiune, Biografic, Dramă

7.1 / 10

(168 voturi)


112 min


Pepe Danquart


Andrzej Tkacz, Kamil Tkacz, Elisabeth Duda

Informatii IMDB

Informatii TMDB

Informatii Cinemagia


Lauf, Junge, lauf (2013) Subtitrare Lauf, Junge, lauf - ro

Fugi si nu privi inapoi!


Alice Vogans




25.000 FPS

Număr CD-uri / Episoade




Adăugat: 20-Iun-2015, 16:29

Actualizat: 20-Iun-2015, 16:29

Lauf, Junge, lauf (2013)[BEST-TORRENTS.NET] . Enjoy! Multumiri traducatoarei.

Mai multe informații

Run Boy Run is the true story of Jurek, an eight-year-old boy, who escapes from the Warsaw ghetto, then manages to survive in the woods and working as a farmhand, disguising himself as a Polish orphan. He encounters people who will betray him for a reward, who will beat him up or try to kill him, and he meets those, who will do and risk almost everything to help him. Jurek’s resilience is put to the ultimate test, when an accident cripples him, making it harder to find work. But he struggles on against all odds. Eventually the Russians reach his area and Jurek even finds a family where he could stay. Yet he is betrayed again, and a young man from a Jewish orphanage forcefully tries to bring Jurek back to his people and his faith.

O extraordinara istorie despre curaj si compasiune. ”Fugi, baiete, fugi!” spune impresionanta poveste adevarata a unui baiat polonez in varsta de noua ani, care fuge dintr-un ghetou din Varsovia. El asteapta bunavointa celor din jur si se lupta de unul singur pentru a rezista ocupatiei naziste si pentru a pastra vie credinta parintilor sai. Srulik reuseste sa evadeze din ghetou si fuge in padure, unde invata sa se ascunda de patrule SS si cutreiera pentru…

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