Latin Dragon (2004)
Lovitura dragonului
23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 28-Ian-2006, 00:00
Actualizat: 28-Ian-2006, 00:00
Mai multe informații
In the grand tradition of the lone hero who mysteriously appears in a town desperate for help (think "Shane, "Billy Jack", "James Bond" and "Chinese Connection"), having survived a war and now serving the government as an undercover agent, Danny Silva takes on his biggest foe yet: the street gangs that have taken over his neighborhood. Unwilling to play by the rules set down by the criminals, Silva forgoes the use of guns and decides to battle the thugs with the strength of his fists, spirit and willpower, turning himself into a real-life, modern-day superhero. Packed with pulse pounding, adrenaline-filled action; "Latin Dragon" gives us our first mainstream Latino martial arts action hero.
Danny Silva, erou de razboi, decorat si fost agent secret, se intoarce in Los Angeles-ul de est in speranta ca va reusi sa-i gaseasca pe Bishop Thorn, un speculant corupt, si pe omul lui de incredere Frank. Cei doi terorizau cetatenii si erau responsbili pentru distrugerile, incendiile si crimele ce se petreceau in suburbie. Facand echipa cu batranul preot al parohiei si cu fosta lui prietena, Danny porneste pe un drum intortocheat, presarat cu razbunari, rascumparari... Face tot posibilul pentr…