Knights (1993)
Razboiul robotilor
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 14-Sep-2018, 15:25
Actualizat: 14-Sep-2018, 15:25
Knights (1993). Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
In the future, as a result of devastating wars, all suitable for cultivation of land turned into one big lifeless desert. In the search of fertile lands around the world were traveling group of nomadic farmers. But one of the distant city genesis in these lands came cyborgs. For the operation they need human resources, or more simply - blood. To combat this army of Vampire creator has been sent cyborg Gabriel (Christopherson). In this he will help the girl Nea (Long), whose parents as a child killed the main villain - Job (Henriksen).
In epoca postapocaliptica, Pamantul a ajuns sa fie stapanit de cyborgi, care pentru a supravietui au nevoie de sange uman. Job (Lance Henriksen), liderul cyborgilor malefici, ordona oamenilor sai sa sacrifice 10.000 de oameni pentru a-i satisface setea de sange. Nea (Kathy Long), una dintre putinele supravietuitoare, este salvata de la macel de Gabriel, un cyborg care crede ca a fost creat doar pentru a distruge suprematia lui Job. Dupa ce este initiata in tainele artelor martiale, Nea accepta s…