Kalashnikov (AK-47) (2020)
23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 23-Apr-2020, 11:42
Actualizat: 16-Feb-2021, 23:03
Kalashnikov (2020), pentru BluRay & WEB-DL. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
Tank commander Kalashnikov is severely injured in battle in 1941. The accident leaves him incapacitated and unable to return to the front line. While recovering in the hospital he begins creating the initial sketches of what will become one of the world’s most legendary weapons. A self-taught inventor, Mikhail Kalashnikov, is only 29 when he develops the now iconic assault riffle — the AK-47.
Ranit ca tanchist in 1941 in timpul celui de-al Doilea Razboi Mondial, Kalasnikov vede ca cea mai recenta mitraliera sovietica esueaza. Deoarece este si inventator, incepe sa caute imbunatatiri si in 1947 ajunge la pusca de asalt AK-47.
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