Intacto (2001)
25.000 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 23-Oct-2004, 00:00
Actualizat: 23-Oct-2004, 00:00
Mai multe informații
An enigmatic tale of four people whose lives are intertwined by destiny are subject to the laws of fate. They discover that luck is something they cannot afford to be without as they gamble with the highest stakes possible in a deadly game from which only one of them will emerge intact.
ZARURILE AU FOST ARUNCATEJOCURILE SUNT FACUTEDOAR UNUL SCAPA INTACTSansa de a castiga la loterie: 1 la 23.000.000.Sansa de a fi lovit de un fulger: 1 la 10.000.000.Sansa de a fi intr-un avion care se prabuseste: 1 la 1.000.000.Sansa de a fi luat de un torent: 1 la 649.739.Sansa de a deveni milionar intr-un casino: 1 la 600.000.Sansa de a fi lovit de un asteroid: 1 la 20.000.Sansa de a fi victima unui accident de masina: 1 la 7.000.Ce poti face cu norocul pe care nu-l meriti?Sam (Max von Sydow)Re…