I'm with Lucy (2002)
Dragoste la a doua vedere
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 9-Ian-2005, 00:00
Actualizat: 16-Feb-2007, 12:47
Mai multe informații
It's an hour before Lucy's wedding and her best friend wants to hear all about what led up to that moment. So, Lucy tells about the five men she had blind dates with over the past year (Doug, Gabriel, Bobby, Barry, and Luke) and her experiences with each one. But which one of the five men is Lucy about to walk down the aisle with?
TANARA NEW-YORK-EZA (NEVROTICA, ALERGICA, INHIBATA, IMPULSIVA, CU PROBLEME EXISTENTIALE) caut BARBATUL IDEAL. Cum poti gasi dragostea adevarata, cand stai in New York, tocmai ai pus capat unei legaturi dezastruoase si cand esti pe punctul de a nu mai crede in nimeni, si cu atat mai putin in tine insuti? Cum poti reusi acest lucru? Pai, nu trebuie decat sa accepti o serie de „intalniri oarbe”, traditie tipic americana, in spiritul careia esti de acord sa te intalnesti de una sin…