Gone in 60 seconds (1974)
Gone in 60 Seconds
25.000 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 3-Feb-2007, 03:23
Actualizat: 19-Aug-2023, 22:49
Gone in 60 seconds (1974), pentru BluRay (per_SEMPRE) & DVDRip. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
Insurance investigator Maindrian Pace and his team lead double-lives as unstoppable car thieves. When a South American drug lord pays Pace to steal 48 cars for him, all but one, a 1973 Ford Mustang, are in the bag. As Pace prepares to rip-off the fastback, codenamed "Eleanor", in Long Beach, he is unaware that his boss has tipped off the police after a business dispute.
Maindrian Pace, un ofiţer de asigurări, duce împreuna cu echipa lui o viaţă dublă, aceea de hoţ de maşini imposibil de oprit.