Francesco (1989)
23.976 FPS
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Adăugat: 18-Feb-2009, 13:59
Actualizat: 18-Feb-2009, 13:59
The life of St. Francis of Assisi (1181-1226) as related by followers who gather after his death to tell stories so that Leone can record them: a privileged and virile youth, a prisoner of war, an heir who turns away from his father and gives all to the poor, a beggar for others, and an inspiration to friends who accept the Gospels' life of poverty. He seeks the Pope's blessing, and he endures persecution at the hands of the family of Chiara Offreduccio (1194-1253), who becomes St. Clare. Many join the order he has established and then rebel at his expectations. In near despair - and ill - he writes a Rule to take to the Pope; then, the Lord sends him a message. He dies smiling.
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The life of St. Francis of Assisi (1181-1226) as related by followers who gather after his death to tell stories so that Leone can record them: a privileged and virile youth, a prisoner of war, an heir who turns away from his father and gives all to the poor, a beggar for others, and an inspiration to friends who accept the Gospels' life of poverty.
Viata Sfantului Francisc din Assisi (1181-1226) relatata de cei ce l-au cunoscut direct. Francisc (Francesco) a fost un tanar privilegiat de soarta sa se nasca intr-o familie bogata, cu o minte sclipitoare si un trup viril. Ajunge prizonier de razboi, ia contact cu suferinta altora, cunoaste o transformare radicala in contact cu cuvantul Evangheliei. Forta extraordinara a filmului rezida tocmai din modul in care regizorul Liliana Cavani reuseste sa sugereze vizual aceasta extraordinara transform…