Favolacce (Bad Tales) (2020)
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Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 29-Oct-2020, 18:57
Actualizat: 29-Oct-2020, 18:59
Favolacce (Bad Tales) (2020), pentru WEB-DL & HDRip. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
In a small suburb on the outskirts of Rome, the cheerful heat of summer camouflages a stifling atmosphere of alienation. From a distance, the families seem normal, but it’s an illusion: in the houses, courtyards and gardens, silence shrouds the subtle sadism of the fathers, the passivity of the mothers and the guilty indifference of adults. But it’s the desperation and repressed rage of the children that will explode and cut through this grotesque façade, with devastating consequences for the entire community.
Candva, demult, intr-o suburbie aflata la periferia Romei, caldura vesela a verii ascunde o atmosfera sufocanta de alienare. De la departare, familiile par normale, dar asta e o iluzie. In case, curti si gradini, tacerea invaluie sadismul subtil al tatilor, pasivitatea mamelor si indiferenta vinovata a adultilor. Dar disperarea si furia reprimata a copiilor vor exploda si vor face o gaura in aceasta fatada grotesca, iar consecintele vor fi devastatoare pentru intre…