Emma Bovary (Madame Bovary) (2021)
Emma Bovary
25.000 FPS
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Adăugat: 30-Oct-2022, 00:22
Actualizat: 30-Oct-2022, 00:22
Emma Bovary (Madame Bovary) (2021), pentru DVB. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
1857. A courtroom. The prosecutor and defense counsel prepare to face off. Between them: Gustave Flaubert, the man on trial. Madame Bovary is charged with obscenity and offending public morals. As the two sides lay out their cases, the novel springs to life. Emma's story unfolds before our eyes. The trial is a reality check for us, rekindling the debate over the status of women at the time. What will the verdict be for Flaubert? What will the verdict be for women - for all the other Emmas?
1857. O sala de judecata. Procurorul si avocatul apararii se pregatesc sa se infrunte. Intre ei: Gustave Flaubert, barbatul judecat. Este acuzat ca romanul sau, Madame Bovary, este obscen si incalca regulile moralei publice. Pe masura ce cele doua parti isi aduc argumentele, romanul prinde viata. Povestea Emmei se desfasoara in fata ochilor nostri. Procesul este o verificare a realitatii pentru noi, reaprinzand dezbaterea asupra statutului femeii la acea vreme. Car…
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