Dot the I (2003)
Punctul pe "I"
23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 9-Apr-2006, 19:41
Actualizat: 9-Apr-2006, 00:00
Mai multe informații
Young lovers in London are wrapped up in a love triangle that may not be exactly what it seems. Carmen, a beautiful Spanish woman with a tendency to lose her temper at the drop of a hat, is about to be married to Barnaby, a caring, wealthy, but slightly boring Englishman. While out with friends on her 'hen night' she encounters a stranger who suddenly sparks a passion that has been sleeping within her. As her wedding date approaches, she finds herself struggling to put this newcomer out of her mind, but his effect on her keeps growing stronger. What is it that he sees in her, and why does she feel like she's being pushed inevitably into his arms?
Un tanar actor accepta un rol intr-un proiect cinematografic neobisnuit si se trezeste in mijlocul unei lumi pasionale si plina de pericole. Cu participarea vedetelor internationale GAEL GARCIA BERNAL (AMORES PERROS, Y TU MAMA TAMBIEN) si NATALIA VERBEKE (JUMP TOMORROW, NADIE CONOCE A NADIE), filmul prezinta extraordinara poveste de dragoste intre doi straini care se cunosc intamplator in seara in care ea petrece cu fetele inaintea nuntii. Dar sa fie doar intamplarea care i-a adus impreuna? K…