Dimples (2008)
23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 18-Oct-2008, 09:34
Actualizat: 18-Oct-2008, 14:40
In premiera pentru subs.ro! Pentru varianta Dimples.2008.DVDRip.XviD-DOMiNO. Enjoy it!
Mai multe informații
On a Saturday morning, Frances jolts awake from a frightening dream. That afternoon, while on a road trip with four friends, a bizarre chain of events leads her to a secluded house where a little girl lives with a man she refers to only as, "The Doctor". Here, Frances uncovers grisly horrors the little girl is subjected to and as Frances fights to save her young soul, her friends fight to save themselves from the monster the doctor has created.
Frances se trezeste intr-o sambata dimineata dintr-un vis tulburator. Mai tarziu in dupa-amiaza aceleiasi zile, aflata intr-o calatorie cu patru prieteni, tanara ajunge dupa un sir de intamplari bizare intr-o casa izolata unde o fetita locuieste cu un barbat caruia ii spune "Doctorul". Aici, Frances descopera lucruri terifiante la care micuta este expusa. In timp ce tanara incearca sa o scoata pe copila de acolo, prietenii ei se straduiesc sa scape din calea monstrului creat de "Doctor".