Diamond Dogs (2007)
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23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 20-Apr-2008, 22:52
Actualizat: 3-Mar-2021, 23:35
Diamond Dogs (2007), pentru BluRay (per_SEMPRE) & DVD. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
"Diamond Dogs" is the story of a group of American fortune hunters, who come to China looking for a long-lost-treasure. During the Soviet crack-down on religion in the 1930's, a priceless Buddhist artifact, a Tangka was taken across the border to China and hidden in the mountains. The diamonds alone, decorating this huge gold-inlaid textile, are thought to be worth $50 million. The fortune hunters
Un grup de calatori condus de fostul soldat Xander Ronson (Dolph Lundgren) transporta, prin periculoasele tinuturi ale Mongoliei, un obiect de cult budist de o inestimabila valoare spirituala, dar si materiala. In mod misterios, calatorii incep sa moara unul cate unul. Neincrederea si teama pun stapanire pe intregul grup, caci, in ciuda precautiei, fiecare zi care trece inseamna o noua victima. Comoara budista venerata de localnici atrage atentia fostului colonel rus Zhukov si trupei sale de mer…