Desperate Housewives - Sezonul 5 (2004)
Neveste disperate
23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 30-Sep-2008, 00:07
Actualizat: 20-Mai-2009, 19:32
Sezonul 5 complet, 24 de episoade, pentru HDTV si 720p.HDTV.X264 (sincro DISTEL).
Mai multe informații
Looking down on her friends and family isn't a way of life for Mary Alice Young... it's a way of death. One day, in her perfect house, in the loveliest of suburbs, Mary Alice ended it all. Now she's taking us into the lives of her family, friends and neighbors, commenting from her elevated P.O.V.
Desperate Housewives is a TV series starring Teri Hatcher, Felicity Huffman, and Marcia Cross. Secrets and truths unfold through the lives of female friends in one suburban neighborhood, after the mysterious suicide of a neighbor.