Danger Close: The Battle of Long Tan (2019)
Danger Close: The Battle of Long Tan
23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 22-Nov-2019, 14:17
Actualizat: 2-Feb-2020, 19:04
Danger Close (2019), pentru BluRay (Darkness701) & WEB-DL. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
Vietnam War, 1966. Australia and New Zealand send troops to support the United States and South Vietnamese in their fight against the communist North. Soldiers are very young men, recruits and volunteers who have never been involved in a combat. On August 18th, members of Delta Company will face the true horror of a ruthless battle among the trees of a rubber plantation called Long Tân. They are barely a hundred. The enemy is a human wave ready to destroy them.
Danger Close: The Battle of Long Tan este un film dedicat celor care au luptat si au murit in batalia de la Long Tan din 18 august 1966. Timp de mai bine de trei ore si jumatate, in mijlocul unei ploi torentiale, printre copacii unei plantatii de cauciuc cunoscuta sub numele de Long Tan, maiorul Harry Smith (Travis Fimmel) si compania sa Delta, formata din 108 soldati australieni si neozeelandezi tineri si neexperimentati, recruti si voluntari, lupta pentru viata lor, tinand…
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