Crystal Skulls (2014)
Crystal Skulls
23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 19-Apr-2015, 12:39
Actualizat: 19-Apr-2015, 19:12
Crystal.Skulls.2014.1080p-720p.BluRay.x264-RUSTED; Crystal.Skulls.2014.BRRip.x264.AC3-QLTY;
Crystal.Skulls.2014.BRRip.XviD.AC3-EVO. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
A millionaire philanthropist collects the famous Crystal Skulls trying to tap into their ancient powers. It is up to a team lead by a college professor whose father disappeared searching for the 13th skull to save the world when the first 12 skulls are united and reek havoc on the earth without the control of the 13th skull.
Un filantrop milionar colectioneaza celebrele Cranii de cristal si incearca sa acceseze puterile lor antice. Depinde de o echipa condusa de un profesor de colegiu al carui tata a disparut in cautarea celui de-al 13-lea craniu pentru a salva lumea, cand primele 12 cranii sunt unite si incep sa faca rau pe Pamant fara controlul celui de-al 13-lea craniu.
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