Circus (2000)
23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 26-Ian-2007, 16:23
Actualizat: 7-Feb-2007, 11:34
Mai multe informații
Bruno, a sadistic criminal, wants clever con man Leo out of the way. Leo and his equally clever wife, Lily, are up to something. So too is Julius: he hires Leo to kill Gloria, Julius's wife. Leo does it, but then Julius shows up with the murder on tape, saying Gloria isn't his wife - it's blackmail. Leo's bookie, Troy, is also closing in, wanting to be paid. Bruno and Lily as well as Bruno and Julius have their own scams running, and Leo is their target. Maybe Leo can get Troy off his back, avoid Moose (Bruno's huge enforcer), send Gloria's corpse out of England, turn the tables on Bruno's murderous brother Caspar, and outfox Lily. Or is Lily his fox? It's a three-ring circus.
Un naucitor thriller in care rasturnarile de situatii sunt mai surprinzatoare decat caderile in gol ale unui montagne-russe. Un amestec fericit intre stilul american si profunzimea britanica. Sarlatanul Leo Garfield (John Hannah) si stralucitoarea lui sotie, Lily (Famke Janssen), sunt cel mai fermecator cuplu din oras. Dar ei viseaza sa scape de monotonia unei vieti de infractori marunti. Visul lor? Sa porneasca in croaziera vietii lor spre Cuba! Cei doi pun la cale impreuna o escrocherie de m…