Carambolages (1963)
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 1-Dec-2007, 09:22
Actualizat: 6-Ian-2008, 11:42
Mai multe informații
Paul Martin is the subservient brown-nosing youngster who needs quick advancement up the hierarchy to pay for the modern lifestyle he is buying on credit. Seeing that marrying his immediate superior's daughter will not get him the results he wants, he begins plotting the demise of the head of the company. The company itself specializes in holiday travel and unscrupulously brutalizes its customers for maximum profit, spending more thought on publicity gimmicks than customer service...
Paul Martin lucreaza in cadrul agentiei de publicitate "321". E tanar, ambitios si logodit cu fiica superiorului sau. Insa Paul are si o amanta care tocmai l-a anuntat ca asteapta un copil. Disperat sa acceada cat mai sus pe scara ierarhica intr-un timp cat mai scurt, Paul pune la cale o serie de atentate in cadrul agentiei carora spera sa le cada victima insusi directorul acesteia, Norbert Charolais.