By the Sword (1991)
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25.000 FPS
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Adăugat: 24-Mar-2012, 12:47
Actualizat: 24-Mar-2012, 12:47
Pentru varianta de 1,46 GB.
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A mysterious man, Suba, gets himself a job at a fencing academy, and as he learns the way of the students, the school, and its maestro, they learn that there's more to him than meets the eye. He gains (or regains?) his fencing skills and his philosophy of teaching clashes with the maestro's. As they are thrown into conflict, Suba and the maestro's past appear to be linked. And the resolution of their mysterious relationship may be a duel to the death.
Max Suba (F. Murray Abraham), un barbat destul de retras, cere sa fie angajat la o acadenmie de spada condusa de Eric Roberts, pe o functie de profesor. Numai ca patronul nu este de acord, nefiind convins de cunostintele acestuia in arta spadei. Vom afla mai tarziu ca Suba este elevul tatalui acestuia si ca este direct responsabil de moartea tatalui sau, fiind proaspat eliberat din penitenciar.