Documentar, Biografic, Dramă
★ 7.5 / 10
(44 voturi)
92 min
Dana Heinz Perry
Evan Scott Perry, Dana Heinz Perry, Hart Perry
Boy Interrupted (2008)
Copilarie curmata
29.970 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 9-Sep-2015, 16:30
Actualizat: 9-Sep-2015, 16:30
Boy Interrupted [2008] . Multumiri traducatorilor. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
On the night of Oct. 2, 2005, Hart and Dana Perry's 15-year-old son Evan jumped to his death from his New York City bedroom window. This moving film is the story, told by his filmmaker parents and others who knew him, of Evan’s life and death, and his life-long struggle with bipolar disorder. It delves into the complexity of Evan's disease, sharing his family's journey through the maze of mental illness. In showing how one family deals with generations of loss and grief, the film defies the stigma related to mental illness and suicide and tells a human story that touches everyone.
Boy Interrupted este un documentar profund tulburator despre viata lui Evan Perry, un baiat talentat si neobisnuit de destept din New York, care s-a sinucis la doar 15 ani. Cu atat mai cutremurator si inediat este faptul ca documentarul a fost realizat chiar de parintii copilului, un cuplu de cineasti - Dana si Hart Perry. Cei doi, un cuplu educat, au inregistrat aproape fiecare moment din viata copilului lor, asa ca il vedem pe Evan din momentul in care iese din pantecele m…