Ao, le dernier Néandertal (Ao: The Last Hunter) (2010)
Ao - Ultimul om de Neandertal
Flavius Gomei
23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 6-Mar-2011, 17:57
Actualizat: 29-Ian-2021, 17:10
Ao, The Last Neanderthal (2010), pentru BluRay & DVDRip. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
When his clan, including his wife and baby girl Néa, are massacred, Ao, a desperate Neandertal man, decides to leave the North country where he has been living for the South where he was born. His aim is to join his twin brother, from whom he was separated when he was nine. On his long and adventurous way home, he meets Aki, a Homo Sapiens woman...
Cind clanul lui, incluzind-o pe sotie si fetita Nea, este masacrat, Ao - un neandertalian disperat - hotaraste sa paraseasca tinutul nordului in care traia si sa ajunga in sud, unde se nascuse. Telul sau era sa-si intilneasca fratele geaman, de care fusese despartit la 9 ani. In aventurosul si lungul drum spre casa, o intilneste pe Aki, o femeie Homo sapiens...