All Is Lost (2013)
Cand totul e pierdut
23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 29-Dec-2013, 16:30
Actualizat: 29-Ian-2014, 06:01
All.Is.Lost.2013.LiMiTED.1080p.BluRay.x264-GECKOS; All.Is.Lost.2013.LiMiTED.720p.BluRay.x264-GECKOS; All.Is.Lost.2013.LiMiTED.480p.BRRip.XviD.AC3-EVO; All.Is.Lost.2013.LiMiTED.BDRip.x264-GECKOS (sincro DISTEL); All.Is.Lost.2013.PPVRip.HC.SUBBED.x264-EBX. Enjoy! Multumiri traducatorului.
Mai multe informații
During a solo voyage in the Indian Ocean, a veteran mariner awakes to find his vessel taking on water after a collision with a stray shipping container. With his radio and navigation equipment disabled, he sails unknowingly into a violent storm and barely escapes with his life. With any luck, the ocean currents may carry him into a shipping lane -- but, with supplies dwindling and the sharks circling, the sailor is forced to face his own mortality.
Aflat intr-o calatorie solitara in Oceanu Indian, un barbat al carui nume nu-l vom sti niciodata (Redford), se trezeste intr-o dimineata ca iahtul sau ia apa dupa ce s-a lovit de un container care plutea ratacit pe apa. Echipamentul de navigare si cel de transmisiuni radio sunt distruse, asa ca omul navigheaza in orb inspre o furtuna violenta. In ciuda faptului ca reuseste sa repare cu succes spartura din coca, si ca are o intuitie de navigator excelenta, p…
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