A Picture Perfect Wedding (2021)
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23.976 FPS
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Adăugat: 8-Dec-2024, 06:23
Actualizat: 10-Dec-2024, 10:38
A Picture Perfect Wedding (2021) pentru WEB-DL. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
Wedding photographer Lindsey gets her big opportunity when a New York mogul’s son, Josh, asks her to shoot his sister’s wedding. Sparks fly as Josh and Lindsey prepare for ceremony, and the pair begin to fall for each other. But as the big day arrives and the project finishes, do they go back their old, separate lives or will they follow their hearts?
Fotografa Lindsey este rugata de fiul unui mogul din New York, Josh, să fotografieze nunta surorii sale. Scânteile zboară în timp ce Josh și Lindsey se pregătesc pentru ceremonie, dar când vine ziua cea mare, ce vor decide inimile lor?