29 Palms (2002)
29 Palms
23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 26-Ian-2006, 00:00
Actualizat: 26-Ian-2006, 00:00
Mai multe informații
When a bag filled with money goes missing from a casino, the Hitman (Chris O'Donnell) must retrieve it. While he tracks the stash down, the bag changes hands numerous times, finding its way to the Drifter (Jeremy Davies) and the Waitress (Rachael Leigh Cook), among others. As the bag's journey continues, more characters, including the Cop (Michael Rapaport) and the Sheriff (Keith David), get drawn into the winding crime tale, and the search becomes increasingly desperate.
Povestea unei gramezi de bani si a personajelor care se invart in jurul ei... Conducatorul unui cazino dintr-o rezervatie amerindiana angajeaza un asasin ca sa-i „rezolve” problema unui asa-zis informator FBI; acesta din urma scapa, apoi toata lum…