100 min
Polly Morland, David Wilson
Robert Beckford, Janet Dibley, Edward Adams
Who Wrote the Bible (2004)
Who Wrote the Bible?
25.000 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 26-Nov-2007, 00:33
Actualizat: 26-Nov-2007, 00:33
Aveti indoieli legate de Biblie sau de autorii acesteia? Acest documentar s-ar putea sa vi le intareasca ...
Mai multe informații
Robert Beckford learned the Bible at his mother's knee and grew up believing that it was literally true. But, 20 years on from his Baptist upbringing, Beckford is no longer so sure that 'the good book' is the pure, unadulterated word of God untouched by human hand. For Beckford, who wrote the Bible matters more today than perhaps at any other moment in living memory. His journey takes him from Birmingham to the West Bank, from Jerusalem to Turkey, and from Rome to Bible Belt America.
Who Wrote the Bible? e un documentar prezentat de teologul britanic Robert Beckford si difuzat de Channel 4. Pornind de la titlul interogativ, documentarul isi propune sa faca lumina in privinta sfintei carti a crestinatatii: cine sunt autorii ei si cat din continutul ei este nealterat de imperativele politice ale vremurilor trecute sau de recenzii. In aflarea adevarului, Beckford intreprinde o calatorie care il poarta de la Birmingham in Cisiordania, de la Ierusalim i…