Voyage of the Unicorn (2001)
Calatorie in lumea legendelor
25.000 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 25-Mar-2011, 15:47
Actualizat: 17-Iun-2018, 00:07
Voyage of the Unicorn (2001), 2CD-uri (welcometovenus); Voyage of the Unicorn 2001 DivX ENG si varianta pe 1 CD. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
One day the Aislings find themselves magically transported to a ship called the Unicorn. Here, they discover that they've been chosen to fulfill an incredible quest! They undergo an incredible journey of discovery in strange lands with enchanted creatures, but find their voyage is really one of the spirit, as they each learn faith and the power of love.
Bazat pe o nuvela intitulata Voyage of the Bassett, acest film-fantezie infatiseaza incredibilele aventuri ale profesorului de mitologie, Alan Aisling. Ramas de curand vaduv, el se hotaraste sa se dedice exclusiv misterelor imaginatiei omenesti si educatiei celor doua fete. Adept al teoriei credendo videns care sustine ca prin credinta in supranatural orice mister devine revelat, el va avea prilejul sa-si testeze aceasta filosofie de viata. Intr-o zi, prin farmec, o sumedenie de spiridusi malefi…