Volcano (2005)
Singur impotriva vulcanului
23.976 FPS
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Adăugat: 2-Feb-2005, 00:00
Actualizat: 2-Feb-2005, 00:00
Mai multe informații
While on assignment covering a volcanic eruption journalist Russell Woods' life is shattered when his wife is killed in the ensuing carnage. Grieving he travels to the small village in Italy where she was born. There he is followed by a curious young girl Angela whom the townspeople believe is cursed by the devil. Despite their warnings he feels a strange connection to her and believes her odd behaviour is somehow linked to the death of his wife. But when things turn otherworldly Russell realises that bigger events are unfolding. Something supernatural has come to this small village and Angela is the key.
America de Sud. Un mic sat situat in apropierea unui vulcan activ este distrus aproape in intregime de torentele fierbinti de lava. Vulcanologul Russel Walker nu reuseste sa salveze decat doi copii ramasi captivi in locuinta cuprinsa de flacari, dar gandul ca nu a putut preveni catastrofa l-a urmarit pe Russel multa vreme. Trei luni mai tarziu, el incearca sa-l convinga pe Umberto Batista, directorul Institutului Geologic din Italia, sa-i omologheze un proiect inovator, care poate prevedea c…