Voenno-polevoy roman (1983)
Amintirea unei mari iubiri
29.970 FPS
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Adăugat: 4-Nov-2010, 20:57
Actualizat: 5-Nov-2010, 08:13
La noi a rulat sub numele de "Amintirea unei mari iubiri".
Mai multe informații
This melodrama revolves around the post-war meeting reunion an intelligent front-line officer, now happily married, and a woman street vendor. This encounter reawakens in them submerged feelings of gratitude and tenderness as the officer recalls how they met during the war and what she used to mean to him. Now he learns that she is alone with a small daughter, the girl's father having been killed at the front.
"Recapitulata peste ani, o imposibila poveste de dragoste inceputa in timpul celui de-al doilea razboi mondial este ocazia unei emotionante etalari a sentimentalismului slav, totdeauna atat de bine captat si emanat de marele ecran" - Irina Coroiu