Vaniglia e cioccolato (2004)
Vanilie si ciocolata
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 24-Iul-2008, 09:22
Actualizat: 24-Iul-2008, 09:22
Mai multe informații
Penelope, a mother of three kids, gets tired by the infidelities of her husband and leaves him. She goes to live at her grandma's house, while he has to take care of the children. His interest is awakened when he finds love letters held by his wife, indicating a past love affair. She, on the other hand, tries to find her past lover, a Spanish painter, with whom she had a short love affair, only to discover that he is terminally ill.
Penelope (Maria Grazia Cucinotta) si Andrea (Alessandro Preziosi) sunt casatoriti de 18 ani, iar cuplul celor doi a rezistat mai ales datorita faptului ca Penelope a suportat si a trecut multe cu vederea. Insa, intr-o zi, ea se satura de superficialitatea si egoismul lui Andrea, care isi rascumpara greselile cu o cutie de inghetata cu vanilie si ciocolata. Penelope se desprinde de viata conjugala si incepe o calatorie periculoasa printre indoieli si amintiri.