Une souris chez les hommes (1964)
Un sef pe cinste
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 28-Ian-2008, 21:20
Actualizat: 28-Ian-2008, 21:20
Mai multe informații
Marcel and Francis are busy people. Marcel owns a café and spend all his nights running from meetings to meetings with members from the high society... at least, that's what he say to his barman! Francis leaves his home, loving wife and adorable daughter, frequently to attend meetings and demonstration with customers. His boss trusts him so much that his agenda is always full... at least, that's what he say to his wife! In fact, Marcel and Francis' incomes come from their night job: thieves! Here at least, they are professional. Troubles arise when, during one robbery, they encounter a young, high-pitched voice, candid girl who takes the decision to become their associate in crime... for the fun!
Pentru toti cunoscutii, dar si pentru cei din familie, prietenii Marcel si Francis par foarte “ocupati” cu afacerile lor! In realitate cei doi sunt... hoti! Din nefericire, in timpul unui jaf, ei sunt surprinsi de o tanara blonda. Aceasta decide sa le devina asociata. Incurcaturile provocate de ea, transforma viata bietilor hoti in cosmar!