Ubalda, All Naked and Warm (1972)
Quel gran pezzo dell'Ubalda tutta nuda e tutta calda
23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 28-Iun-2008, 14:10
Actualizat: 28-Iun-2008, 14:10
Comedie cu Edwige Fenech. Pentru varianta de 862 MB.
Mai multe informații
During the Middle Ages, a clumsy knight returns home where his wife awaits him. Sensuous and beautiful, she has attracted several male admirers during his absence, but her chastity belt has maintained her faithfulness. Now is her chance to wrest the key from him and enjoy herself. The knight’s portly friend has a similar problem with his equally gorgeous wife. And to top it off, both men have designs on the other’s wife — leading them to devise painful methods to discourage the other from trespassing.
Actiunea filmului se petrece in Evul Mediu. Un cavaler neindemanatic se intoarce acasa unde il asteapta iubita lui sotie. Senzuala si frumoasa, femeia a avut cativa admiratori pe durata absentei lui, dar centura de castitate a impedicat-o sa-i fie infidela sotului. Acum este sansa ei sa faca rost de cheie si sa se bucure de viata. Dar lucrurile nu sunt atat de simple precum par...