Tout l'or du monde (1961)
Pentru tot aurul din lume
25.000 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 2-Feb-2013, 01:38
Actualizat: 26-Aug-2013, 21:33
Premiera ro! Tout l'or du monde 1CD=734.494.720 bytes si varianta PAL. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
Businessman Victor Hardy wants to buy the entire area around the small village of Cabosse. He claims that he wants to return to nature, but he also intends to profit by selling the water from the village fountain, which is reputed to enhance longevity. However old farmer Mathieu and his sons don't want to sell...
Un agent imobiliar vrea sa exploateze un teren aflat intr-o regiune reputata pentru ca ar favoriza longevitatea. Numai ca la fata locului el se loveste de impotrivirea unui taran incapatanat si a fiilor acestuia...