Subtitrare The Racer

Dramă, Sport

5.8 / 10

(18 voturi)


95 min


Kieron J. Walsh


Louis Talpe, Iain Glen, Matteo Simoni

Informatii IMDB

Informatii TMDB

Informatii Cinemagia


The Racer (2020) Subtitrare The Racer - ro







23.976 FPS

Număr CD-uri / Episoade




Adăugat: 15-Iun-2021, 09:05

Actualizat: 27-Iun-2021, 21:49

The Racer (2020), pentru BluRay & WEB-DL (cp65). Enjoy!

Mai multe informații

Summer 1998 - the opening stages of Le Tour de France are relocated to Ireland. Belgian rider Dom Chabol (late 30s) has been one of the best “Domestiques” (support riders) on the Tour for the last 20 years. It’s a sacrificial role – setting pace, blocking wind, and providing support to enable the team’s sprinter to victory - winning is not an option. But Dom secretly harbours a desire to wear the yellow jersey - just once before his career is over. At the start of what will likely be his last Tour, Dom is unceremoniously dropped from the Team he has dedicated his life to. His best mate Sonny, the team masseur, fails to reassure him about his future. But a chance liaison with Lynn, a young Irish doctor, softens the blow, and Dom starts to accept - and even enjoy - the idea of civilian life. But as he gears up to go home and to face his estranged sister, a massive doping error knocks another teammate off the Tour and Dom is thrown back in the saddle…

Vara lui 1998. Primele etape ale Turului Frantei sunt mutate in Irlanda. Biciclistul belgian Dom Chabol a fost unul dintre cei mai buni biciclisti de sprijin ai Turului din ultimii 20 de ani. E un rol de sacrificiu, deoarece stabileste ritmul, blocheaza vantul si ofera sprijin sprinterului echipei spre victorie. Triumful nu e o optiune. Dar Dom are dorinta secreta de a purta tricoul galben cel putin o data. La inceputul a ce o sa fie probabil ultimul lui tur, Dom e dat afara de e…
