The Lost Treasure of the Grand Canyon (2008)
Comorile pierdute din Marele Canion
23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 21-Mai-2009, 08:01
Actualizat: 2-Iul-2017, 20:20
Das.Vermaechtnis.der.Azteken.2008.German.DTS.DL.1080p.BluRay.x264-RSG; Lost.Treasure.of.the.Grand.Canyon.2008.HDTV.XviD-aAF; The.Lost.Treasure.Of.The.Grand.Canyon.XviD.DVDRip-xDVD; The.Lost.Treasure.of.the.Grand.Canyon.2008.DVDRip.XviD-NoGrp. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
A team of Smithsonian researchers have stumbled across a lost walled Aztec city guarded by some evil spirits, including a "great flying serpent of death." As days turn to weeks, Susan Jordan, the daughter of the professor leading the expedition, assembles a team to rescue her father and his colleagues from the clutches of the ancient Aztec warriors and their horrible serpent god.
O echipa de cercetatori de la Institutul Smithsonian face o descoperire cel putin interesanta in timp ce se afla in Marele Canion. Specialistii dau peste un oras pierdut, de origine azteca. Ceea ce ei inca nu stiu este faptul ca orasul este pazit de spirite malefice, printre care si ‚marele sarpe inaripat al mortii’. Pe masura ce zilele trec, Susan Jordan, fiica profesorului care se afla in fruntea expeditiei isi da seama ca s-a intimplat ceva dubios cu tatal sau. Vrind sa-si gaseasca tatal …