The Last Great Wilderness (2002)
Ultimul tinut virgin
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 4-Ian-2004, 00:00
Actualizat: 4-Ian-2004, 00:00
Mai multe informații
Charlie's wife has left him for a successful pop star, and he wants revenge. He sets out for Scotland's Isle of Skye, where he will burn down the star's mansion. In a cafe, he meets Vincente, a Spaniard who asks him for a ride. With his new friend in tow, Charlie soldiers on, only to run out of gas in the middle of nowhere. They walk to the nearest residence--where they are greeted by a suspicious and motley group of people who may or may not be part of a bizarre cult that lives in the area. Charlie and Vincente will be staying longer then they expected, and it is going to be a strange visit!
Pe scurt: bizarerie mini-bugetara filmata in DV care amesteca genurile (road movie, film cu nebuni, horror) cu aceeasi dezinvoltura kamikaze cu care-si trece cei doi eroi prin toate probele de foc posibile si imposibile. Pe lung: Daca te-a dus gindul la Deliverance, Zbor deasupra unui cuib de cuci si Straw Dogs, esti pe drumul cel bun. Pe-acelasi drum se afla si Charlie (interpretat de fratele regizorului, Alastair), care n-are decit un scop in viata: sa incendieze casa muzicianului…