The Keys of the Kingdom (1944)
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Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 10-Nov-2008, 00:17
Actualizat: 10-Iun-2021, 01:21
The Keys of the Kingdom (1944), pentru BluRay & DVDRip. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
A young priest, Father Chisholm is sent to China to establish a Catholic parish among the non-Christian Chinese. While his boyhood friend, also a priest, flourishes in his calling as a priest in a more Christian area of the world, Father Chisholm struggles. He encounters hostility, isolation, disease, poverty and a variety of set backs which humble him, but make him more determined than ever to succeed.
Dupa un roman scris de A.J. Cronin. Un preot tanar, parintele Chisholm, este trimis in China pentru a deschide o parohie catolica, si a converti chinezii pagani. In timp ce prietenul sau din copilarie, de asemenea preot, infloreste in chemarea sa ca preot intr-o zona mult mai crestina a lumii, parintele Chisholm are un destin mult mai zbuciumat. Intampina ostilitate, izolare, boli, saracie, dar toate astea il determina sa nu cedeze. Dupa ce trec niste ani, el doband…