The End of Old Times (1989)
Sfarsitul vremurilor vechi
23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 6-Aug-2011, 15:39
Actualizat: 6-Aug-2011, 15:39
Mai multe informații
Czechoslovakia 1918. The newly formed National Assembly has made Stoklasa the administrator of the Kratochvile Castle. Although with no aristocratic background, he is a man of fortune and is trying to buy the castle. To impress his neighbors and the local politicians he invites them to a great hunting party. Uninvited comes a man who claims to be Duke Alexej. Stoklasa believes him to be a hustler. This hustler, however, manages to charm all the women before he leaves.
O comedie satirica ce trateaza teme precum aparentele claselor sociale si vesnica tendinta a oamenilor de a-si depasi conditia si clasa sociala careia apartin. In perioada dintre cele doua razboaie mondiale, o intinsa proprietate de pamant este inchiriata de Stoklasa (Marian Labuda) - un om de afaceri necioplit, dar foarte bogat – care spera sa o cumpere. Se muta impreuna cu familia si servitorii sai acolo, insa sederea lor linistita este tulburata de vizit…